Practice your pronunciation

We know how important pronunciation is in the learning process of our students. Depending on the origin and language of our students, this process could be easier or complicated. In any case, pronunciation always generates an exciting challenge within this process.

From this moment on, we want to share with you material related to pronunciation. We clarify that the material we will share is not from our production; therefore, we have selected the material we recommend studying.

You will find material for different Spanish levels, so you can even find material for children, but it has a great suggested learning value for adults.

So, we invite you to put your pronunciation into practice, and we continue to see each other in class.

How I can practice Spanish in this section?

Part of the process of learning a language is developing different skills, and listening is a skill. We encourage our students to listen to audio in Spanish even though they often don’t understand. The repetition process will allow the brain to begin to recognize sounds that it will then associate with the process of learning and identifying words.

We advise you to listen to audios every day. These audios have the advantage of adjusting the speed. In case you need to hear more slowly, choose the video speed.

To change the audio speed, you must go to the configuration part shown in the video and access the speed option. Later you can choose to increase or decrease the speed.

Practice of this week

More Videos about Pronunciation