The most searched words in the RAE dictionary related to the coronavirus.


‘Pandemic,’ ‘quarantine,’ ‘confine,’ ‘resilience,’ ‘epidemic,’ ‘virus,’ ‘morgue,’ ‘triage’ or ‘care’ are some of the most searched words in the Dictionary of the Spanish language ( DLE) during the last month, coinciding for the most part with the days of the State of Alarm due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The RAE has explained that throughout this period, it has received more than 84 million visits, with an average of almost 3 million daily users. The institution has pointed out that the terms related to the COVID-19 crisis that generate more visits to the dictionary indicate “a clear information trend: people want to know the meanings that accompany this new reality.”

However, he understands that they also register “a longing for words of encouragement or that offer security.” That is why between ‘confined’, ‘morgue’ or ‘moratorium’ there are words like ‘medical’, ‘innocuous’, ‘remit’, ‘solidarity’, ‘hope’, ‘altruism’ or ‘resist’.

In addition, confinement, its contingency, the meaning of status or moratoriums are mixed in searches with medical terms: ‘asymptomatic’, ‘infest’, ‘dyspnea’, ‘disease’, ‘infect’, ‘intubate’, ‘affect ‘or’ hypochondria ‘. Also, other more specific words, such as ‘mask’ or ‘pangolin’, have received a higher number of visits.

Likewise, there have been several words not present in the dictionary related to current affairs that have been specially searched: ‘coronavirus,’ ‘ERTE,’ ‘sanitize,’ ‘video call,’ ‘nasobuco’ or ‘quarantine.’ In the case of ‘ERTE,’ it already has its entry in the Legal Spanish Dictionary.

On the other hand, the RAE has received multiple inquiries via Twitter about words such as ‘coronavirus’ (origin, correct spelling, death by/with coronavirus …), ‘pandemic’ (the difference between pandemic and epidemic, if it is redundant to say global pandemic and global pandemic), ‘COVID-19’ (writing, gender, pronunciation), ‘quarantine’ (if it must necessarily be forty days), ‘sanitize’ (on its validity) or ‘triage’ (if it is with going with j ).

On the other hand, the academy has launched an initiative on its social networks to share words that accompany this period and that “comfort in the face of uncertainty.” Under the label ‘# QueLasLetrasTeAcompañen,’ all the letters of the alphabet are reviewed, with a particular spelling, and curious words are proposed to “make you feel better.”

‘Apapachar’ (used in some areas with the meaning ‘give hugs’),’ brezar ‘(‘ cradle someone or rock something ‘),’ dingolondangos’ (‘affectionate expressions, pampering, flattering, cuddling’) or ‘splendid ‘(‘ resplendent ‘) are some of the words that have been proposed from the RAE.

The report was taken from the website: – Friday, April 10, 2020